Sangha Shantivanam
of Santa Cruz
We appreciate your donation to help Sangha Shantivanam of Santa Cruz continue the work of promoting a community of peace through interfaith dialogue, prayer, and meditation.
Sangha Shantivanam is a 501(c) (3) and all donations are tax deductible according to the limits of the law.
You can write a check to Sangha Shantivanam of Santa Cruz.
Please send checks to:
Mary Sue Babb
290 Westdale Dr.
Santa Cruz, CA, 95060
You can also donate using PayPal
For credit card donations, please use this second button.
Also goes through PayPal.
Contact us: If you have questions about the sangha,
please email your question to:
Thank you so much for your support!

Mary Mulligan, a sangha member since 2014 after attending the Annual Peace Vigil, "finds peace within and in all beings 'in the cave of the heart.' She says, "our sangha is a refuge from the noise of the outer world into a community of contemplation and care. The prayer and meditation here allow me to bring together my root faith in Catholicism, years of study and practice in Zen Buddhism, Tai Chi, and Qigong, as well as a deep bond with nature and our Earth."